Page name: multicolored angels [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-17 01:23:31
Last author: Demon-child
Owner: BergundyAngel
# of watchers: 5
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Welcome to...... MULTICOLORED ANGELS.........

you have recieved an invitation. it says:
" Welcome. i would like for you all to come to my humble abode and use your inhabitation of my home to meet new people and converse on all subjects of your interest.
     sincerely yours,
as you approach the house you see an enormas Steel door. it is intricately designed with beautiful angels and those who have been damned to walk the earth for eternity.

from this point you enter the home and are surrounded by color labeled rooms and then there are rooms with no names. only labels by a sign that says this: "only to be claimed by perminent residents. all are welcome"

your days as lonely and fearful or indignant beings is over you are all hereby instructed to befriend others and coexist in peace. till a problem arises... Enjoy and be free to be.

House Tour

Character Pics@MA

[Ashoka Virlym] made this. it is so cool

pictures of known animals throughout the various areas on the property. enjoy yourself and explore to your hearts content.
The Stables@MA
The Yard@MA
The Pasture@MA
The Lake@MA
The House@MA
The Woods@MA

Home Owner: [BergundyAngel]-Baal
 Desciption: silver/green eyes, long flowing sandy blonde hair with streaks of silver, velvety smooth bat-like wings, a pair of rear facing curved bull-like horns at the crown of brow, long sharp fangs, body covered in faint scars, claws adorned in pewter rings, long tail that ends in a needle sharp pointed spur.
 Personality: friendly and accomodating,though if provoked will enforce house rules and personal power.
 Likes: kindly, well mannered people with large intellects and a common knowledge of senority and ranking.also people that enjoy having fun and integrating with those around them.
 Dislikes:rude, unforgiving, and unintelligable people who have no remorse for their actions.

1:[orchidflame]: Dramora
 Color: Green
 Description: she is a gargoyle angel,she's wearing a gold crown thing on her forehead and beautiful twistinn brace lets on her legs and arms and gold earings,she has very large wings,purplish blue eyes,whitish silver hair in a braid,she's wearing a pinkish tan skirt and belly shirt,she has a long tail,she's very beautiful,when she's feeling a very powerful emotion she glows different colors for each strong emotion and sometimes people and animals around her glow the same color if they feel the same and or they feel her presence,she's great with animals and whistles to them a beautifuly haunting tune that draws only the ones that are made to be with her to her,her best animal friend is a palomino hippogriff stallion^_^
 Personality: friendly but usualy not easy to become friends with,very inteligent,kind but only to those who show kindness to others,mean and extremely cruel only to people she hates or are evil,distrusting for very good reasons,very tuff and strong willed,very cocky and brave and spunky

2: [Ashoka Virlym]: Auden Skyler
 Description: 15 years old, wheres a father's outfit"chruch father" wear hat all black, Or whatever i feel like wearing. I dont know my past and i dont like to talk alot.
Eyes: changes, hair:Durty blond, Body:rather on the thin side, Height:6, weight:120, Face:oval, Ears:normal human ears and on my left ear i have the tip of my ear pierced with two peircings and the lower part of my ears i have a metal band in my ears.... Fingers:a little thin but strong, clothing: whatever i feel like

3: [Demon-child]: Rauka
Description: Ageless, wears simple black pants and a long-sleeved dark-gray shirt with black boot-like shoes. Or whatever she feels like. Long red-blonde snakes for hair, usually back in a braid, when angered they hiss. Eyes are usually amber, but can change colour with mood, and glow when pissed. Thinnish, rather tall, slightly androgynous looking, with a pointed, longish face. Deceptively small, delicate-looking hands.
Personality: Sort of quiet, darkly sarcastic sense of humour, but has extreme mood swings so can be quite bubbly at times. Rather intelligent, pretends to have no morals and be cold and evil, but is accused of being just as much of a hero as the others.
Likes: sweet food, intelligent and witty people, animals, various musics (plays the flute and can occasionally call some animals if she does it just right).
Dislikes: arrogance, betrayal, and chauvinism.

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2005-07-27 [Ashoka Virlym]: ((it's ok i didnt know what to do anything,,i went brain dead...sorry)) *grabs the reins and grips them hard has he bucks*

2005-07-27 [BergundyAngel]: oh. *suddenly feeling enlightened* so what do some of the different colors mean?

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *smiles*well blue means realy happy* starts to turn blue as I grow happy talking with Baal*red means realy angry*blushes*green means realy excited,pink means realy in love,and thats just a mere few of them*grins glowing blue*and some times people and animals around me temporaly glow the same color as me

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *Nihar glows blue also*

2005-07-27 [BergundyAngel]: well that will help me on when to watch out and avoid ticking you off. *hugs her gently* your so cool *looks back at auden* your doing great

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *smiles and hugs Baal back*and your soo cool too my best-friend*grins and watches as Baal glows blue also*

2005-07-27 [BergundyAngel]: *Looks back at dramora* obvioulsy nihar reflects your moods.

2005-07-27 [BergundyAngel]: *not noticing myself glowing*

2005-07-27 [Ashoka Virlym]: *takes the reins and pulls to the side to making him turn to the side*

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *watches as Dagger rears and and does a belly shiner((thats wear the horse and or creature^_^jumps up and they turn all the way upside down in mid air there belly facing the sky and then turn back right side up and land on their feet and keep bucking,only the most talented of bucking horse can pull that trick off^_^))

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *smiles at Baal*well actualy sometimes people and animals around me glow the same color as me if they're feeling the same way and Im by them and or they're feeling my presence*smiles*after all I'am an angel,look at yourself!,your glowing to my friend^_^

2005-07-27 [Ashoka Virlym]: Whoa....ouchh...

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *looks at Auden and gasps*you ok Auden?!?!?!?!?

2005-07-27 [BergundyAngel]: *looks at my hands and the rest of me* wow i am * looks at auden* oh my god are you ok auden? your not hurt are you?

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *turns bright yellow*

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: ((sorry about the belly shiner thing dragon-_-'))

2005-07-27 [Ashoka Virlym]: *laies there has my right arm was broken*

2005-07-27 [BergundyAngel]: oh god *gasping and jumping over the corral fence* are you ok???

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *runs into the corral still bright yellow and sits down next to him and places my hands on his broken arm and then we both glow a bright heavenly white and then the light dies down and your arms healed*your sooooooo lucky your living in a house full of angels Auden*smiles at him*

2005-07-27 [BergundyAngel]: *dagger,glyph and taleria come bounding after* *stooping down it's ok i can fix it. i promise. *reaching down lightly*

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: ((*sighs*sorry I kinda already fixed it:(,sorry))

2005-07-27 [BergundyAngel]: *retracts hand* i am glad your around too. i wouldn't have been so wuick just more careful. but you did a great job.*smiles proudly*

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *smiles*thanks Baal I try my best to help everyone I can*glows black and sighs*but sometimes I fail,Im just glad I didnt today

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *stands up and walks swiftly out of the corral and into the stable tears streaming down my face,still glowing black*

2005-07-27 [BergundyAngel]: Looks down at auden and smiles* ar you ok? does it hurt or anything?

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *flies up into the rafters of the stables and sits there crying*

2005-07-27 [BergundyAngel]: *looking up at taleria for a momanet* how about you go and console her for a moment while i try to help him up. *looks back down at auden*

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *cries,sobs shaking my whole body*I-I-I- let hi-hi-him down..........

2005-07-27 [Ashoka Virlym]: *sits up and looks at them*

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *buries my face in my hands as I cry and folds my large wings around me*

2005-07-27 [BergundyAngel]: (taleria) *appears hovering beside dramora and nudges her with head kind face. the words 'are you ok' echo in dramoras head*

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *still crying my face in my hands and still glowing black*n-n-n-no

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *sobs*I once had a mate he was soooo handsome and sooo kind he was a gargoyle angel like me and one day....................

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *sobs shaking violently*

2005-07-27 [BergundyAngel]: *'what happened'*

2005-07-27 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at them*

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *takes a deep breath*there was a great battle he was defending me from my evil sister,he should of been protecting him self..............I can fend for myself..................he didnt even notice the assasin aiming an arrow right for his heart.................the assasin hit his mark I screamed and rushed to help him I sat down next to him and tried to sister just stood there next to me laughing at my pain....................I-I-I*sob*couldnt save him...............its was all my fault he died that day*sob*

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *I glow such a dark black you can barely see me*

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *stops crying but still sobs every once in awhile*he died because of me.............he trusted me and loved me and I failed him................

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *takes my hands off my face and looks at Taleria*

2005-07-27 [Ashoka Virlym]: *swallow then stands up*.............

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *still in the rafters*where is everyone taleria?

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *sighs*I wish he was still here by my side..................*growls*but its my fault he's not

2005-07-27 [BergundyAngel]: *'they are outside. baal is trying to get auden to get up. *

2005-07-27 [BergundyAngel]: *i stand up and help audeb to his feet* are you ok? dramora had a problem and went to the stables. if your ok then maybe we should go and check on her. *wrapping my arm around your shoulder* are you sure your ok?

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *sits in the rafters still black but a little calmer*

2005-07-27 [BergundyAngel]: *' you shouldn't blame yourself there are just times that no one can do anything at all. no matter how powerful they are. you should neverblame yourself unless you do it on intention' *

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *smiles slightly at taleria*I know that Im an angel Im constantly telling people who need my guidance that..........or at least I used to..............but it just hurts soooooo much I cant help but blame myself...........

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *looks at her my eyes filled with sadness and guilt*.............for his death...........

2005-07-27 [BergundyAngel]: * 'dont it doesn't help anything and dwelling in the past does not help either. i know i sound caloused but it is the truth. i dont like to see you so sad.' *

2005-07-27 [Ashoka Virlym]: Im fine..Im fine....

2005-07-27 [BergundyAngel]: i am glad you are ok i was worried. *lets you go and heads towards the stables*

2005-07-27 [Ashoka Virlym]: *watch her go then goes to see id Dagger is ok*

2005-07-27 [BergundyAngel]: *glyphs follows closelyto the stables* i tsop abruptly and turn around* are you sure your ok! how is dagger! *still very worried about a possible head injury, but brushes the idea off*

2005-07-27 [Ashoka Virlym]: im fine and the looks of it Dagger is fine too

2005-07-27 [BergundyAngel]: good i'll see you two in here. *heads back to stables*

2005-07-27 [Ashoka Virlym]: *nods*

2005-07-27 [orchidflame]: *sits in the rafters my color slowly fading to a dark gray*

2005-07-27 [BergundyAngel]: *walks and looks for taleria and dramora. spotting them both in the rafters and seeing dramoras apparently calming down i make my presence known by lightly grunting to clear my throat* are you ok dramora? *looks saddened by what was witnessed outside* is there anything i can do?

2005-07-28 [orchidflame]: *sighs*no it is far to late for him*glows very light gray as I grow more calm*

2005-07-28 [orchidflame]: *stops glowing and sighs discontently*but thanks anyways,and thank you taleria for being so kind

2005-07-28 [Ashoka Virlym]: *smiles*

2005-07-28 [orchidflame]: *sighs feeling heart broken and slightly lost*

2005-07-28 [BergundyAngel]: why dont you come down here and you and i can show auden here around the yard. maybe introduce him to a new pet. *looks at dramora kindly and simpathetically* what do you think about that?

2005-07-28 [Ashoka Virlym]: *i was with Dagger and petting him*..grr*tehn i closes my eyes tight in pain but the pain went away*

2005-07-28 [BergundyAngel]: *turns to look at auden after hearing the almost unperseptable growl* looks slightely worried*.... *in a quiet voice* are you sure your ok. you look like your in pain still. 

2005-07-28 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at her*yea im fine*smiles then looks at Dagger*...

2005-07-28 [BergundyAngel]: *looks at dagger and smiles* i thin he deserves some special sweet feed. *comes closer to auden and whispers in your ear* it has molassis and sugar cane in it *smiles slightly*

2005-07-28 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at her and smiles a little *but but i dont have thos...

2005-07-28 [BergundyAngel]: *lays hand on your shoulder* dont worry i always have a supply ready in the tack room by glyphs stalls right there. *looks back at the double doors of to the right behind you* 

2005-07-28 [Ashoka Virlym]: *turns my head to look what she was showing me*oh ok

2005-07-28 [BergundyAngel]: *heads to the double doors and stops to look at taleria. nods to keep an eye on dramora* ok i'll show you everything in the tack room.

2005-07-28 [BergundyAngel]: *stops at the door and motions for auden to enter first* friends first.

2005-07-28 [Ashoka Virlym]: Um..ok*goes throught the door*

2005-07-28 [orchidflame]: *jumps down from the rafters and stands next to Baal*

2005-07-28 [orchidflame]: *smiles and glows a very light almost white blue as I become a little happy*

2005-07-28 [orchidflame]: *sighs*Im sorry I ran from you guys

2005-07-28 [Ashoka Virlym]: .....

2005-07-28 [orchidflame]: *looks at Auden*hows the arm?

2005-07-28 [Ashoka Virlym]: Good....

2005-07-28 [orchidflame]: *smiles and nods*thats good

2005-07-28 [Ashoka Virlym]: *smiles*yea...

2005-07-29 [orchidflame]: yea........

2005-07-29 [Ashoka Virlym]: lol

2005-07-29 [orchidflame]: *smiles and glows blue*

2005-07-29 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at you and smiles alittle*

2005-07-29 [orchidflame]: *smiles as you glow blue too*

2005-07-29 [Ashoka Virlym]:

2005-07-29 [orchidflame]: *laughs*

2005-07-29 [Ashoka Virlym]: Oh i did made other wiki but im think of making everyone a pic...

2005-07-29 [orchidflame]: ???what other wiki?pics?me confuzzled lol^_^

2005-07-29 [Ashoka Virlym]: other Wiki pics..

2005-07-29 [orchidflame]: ok

2005-07-29 [Ashoka Virlym]: yea so i have to make one for you...

2005-07-29 [orchidflame]: me?!,^_^thank you very much!^_^

2005-07-29 [Ashoka Virlym]: *nods*um..hmm..*thinks*...

2005-07-29 [orchidflame]: *looks at him*what cha thinking bout?((can you believe I actualy talk like that?:(,its kinda sad realy))

2005-07-29 [Ashoka Virlym]: well what would look good for a wiki pic for you...

2005-07-29 [orchidflame]: ^_^

2005-07-29 [Ashoka Virlym]: lol

2005-07-29 [orchidflame]: ^_^lol

2005-07-30 [orchidflame]: ((ahem lets continue with the rpg))*smiles*

2005-08-05 [Ashoka Virlym]: <img:> here you go this wiki pic is for [orchidflame]

2005-08-05 [Ashoka Virlym]: and this one is for me....<img:>

2005-08-05 [orchidflame]: ((oh my gosh!!!!!!its beautuful!!!!I LOVE IT^_^))

2005-08-05 [Ashoka Virlym]: *nods*thanks i was thinking about YOU when i did it

2005-08-06 [orchidflame]: *smiles*^_^you did it perfectly,I couldnt have done it better myself!!!!!!^_^

2005-08-07 [orchidflame]: ((ok lets play now))

2005-08-07 [BergundyAngel]: ((*looking at the two of you sincerely* you two are funny. i've been gone for a week and you have gone nowhere with this thing. i love the wiki pics though.they look beautiful dragon. they are great ideas. but i have a question. if you said you were going to make one for everyone then wheres mine? In a teasing tone with a big grin* huh. what do you have to say for yourself??? *giggles lightly*))

2005-08-07 [Ashoka Virlym]: ((well your was the first one....but if your want i can make you one..*smiles*lol*bows*thank you))

2005-08-07 [orchidflame]: (ahem lets continue with the rp))*laughs and glows a very very bright flourescent blue*

2005-08-07 [BergundyAngel]: hugs your shoulders tightly to me* dont worry about it. it didn't bother either of us *looking at auden and inquires* did it? * lets go of yor shoulders and follows auden through the double doors. turns to the left to an enormous barrel with a cast iron lid* the iron lid is heavy enough to keep the smell of the sugar cane in the barrel. *lifts lid with great effort* how much do you think dagger needs? *looks at auden with inquisitively glowing eyes and pulls a bucket and a feed scoop off the shelf above*

2005-08-07 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks around then at her*umm..i dont know..

2005-08-07 [BergundyAngel]: *laughs gently* what.... a scoop, two scoops.......a full bucket? it is up to you. your the one that is in control now. you get to do most of the things that he likes. you two are buds.*thinks to myself.......hmmm... we never went to the yard... well after we finish here we will all go to the yard and introduce auden to the other animals.* well what do you think? *to myself again... i wonder if i should take the other animals out of the house when we go to the yard? looks at dramora and auden* have either of you been in the house?

2005-08-07 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at you and thinks*um i think two scoops is good enough for him and no i havent been in the house...

2005-08-07 [BergundyAngel]: *scooping out two large scoops* good then after all of the horses or fed then we will go to the house and the yard. *walking over to auden and handing him the bucket* you wouldn't mind meeting all the animals would you? *looking you in the eye and grining politely*

2005-08-07 [Ashoka Virlym]: *takes the bucket and looks at you*no i dont mind....

2005-08-07 [BergundyAngel]: good now how about taking dagger to his stall, feeding him and making sure he is happy. *scoops another bucket full and hands it to dramora* you too. only you have to feed both horse and griffon *grinns and fills more buckets for the horses in the stables then closes the lid * i have special food for the dragons on the prmississ. *heads out with the buckets*

2005-08-07 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at you and nods*ok..*looks over at Dagger and does a small whistle and dagger started to to come over to his stall has i go in he goes in after me and puts the bucket donw and then he started to eat.then i pet him has i go around him and gets out then closes the door*

2005-08-07 [BergundyAngel]: *giving all the horses feed and water and checking for anything else i whistle a meery little tune and taleria follows swaying to the musical note* i just have get get glyph settles and then we can go. ok? *looks over my shoulder as i leave the bbuilding and turn the corner* are you coming? *smiles*

2005-08-07 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at you and nods*yes im coming*takes off fallowing you*

2005-08-07 [BergundyAngel]: *coming around the corner of the stables you smell meat and hear aniamls grunting and fighting* approaching a wooden steel outlined fence and haulting abruptly then turning to face you* you absolutely have to be VERY careful in here. *handing you a thing leather suit and lightweirt metal boots the proceding to open the door*

2005-08-07 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at the stuff then puts it on.I take off my boots and puts on the metal boots then loks at you has i put on the leather suit*ok*goes and stands next to you*

2005-08-07 [BergundyAngel]: (you enter the door and are in a small room surrounded by steel mesh wire. you can see snaggle toothed creatures wandering around and starting fights for no reason and other creatures thyat just try to maul whatever they can get ahold of) *looking at you and smiling* these are brought to me for specific purposes. they are murderous creature that are a menace to everything living. glyph enjoys taking care of them the way they take care of whatever they can get ahold of *noticing a few working their way towards us* guess we better get to work. grab two by whatever is on their back and head back to the door and put them in this *pointing down to an iron box* make sure to grab the closest one*

2005-08-07 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at you*..are this dragon?..*then looks at the the few that are coming towards us*

2005-08-07 [BergundyAngel]: *walking througfh the door i use a very large staff to drive a group of them back *just be sure to shut that door as you come through. *i snatch up one green haired thing gremlin like thing and hang on tight as he wriggles and squeals* be sure to hang on tight too. *looking back at you and smiling *

2005-08-07 [BergundyAngel]: these are gremlin mutations *still wrestling with the one in my hands * they try to kill eberything annoying actually.* grabbing for another.*

2005-08-07 [Ashoka Virlym]: ok*gets in and closes the door behinds me i slowly turn around then one of the Gremlin jumps over you and just when i look at you then gremlin attacks me*AHh*falls over has the gremlin on top of me.I put my arms out in front of me so he doesnt bit my head off.*...

2005-08-07 [BergundyAngel]: *looks up at you shocked* damnit *runs over to you and kicks the one off and throws the other two in the box and run to help you up as the little grey one comes back* how in the heck did that happen *still smiling as i grab your arm*

2005-08-07 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at you and stands up has i had a cut on my neck and cheek*

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *looks at you in amazement* oh my goodness! we'll patch that up as soon as i'm done. you can go ahead and step out if you would like. *looks at the door and snatches up another creature and smiles*

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at you then puts my hand on the cuts then looks at my hand to see the blood then back at you then shakes my head*so thanks i'll like to stay here...thank you

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *grins broadly* your brave. *throws the creature in the metal box with the other two* you want to grab that one to your left and fallow me back to the stables?

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at the creature then at you and nods*Ok...*does and flip and lands on the creature.Then creature was going all over until it faced the metal box i grabed it's jaw then i go over it's head to be on the ground and then i throw it over my head into the metal box*.......*stands up*

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *eyes wide open and jaw dropping wide* that was some impressive manuvering. *smiles and grabs the box* would you like to help carry this box? *facing one handle towards you and smiling*

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *smiles*i would love to help you...*takes the handle*

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *looks at you and smiles* thank you. so have you worked with many animals before? i mean like exotics like glyph.

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at you then nods*i worked with all kind of animals....magic creatures..normal creatures...

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: what was your favorite? *walking through the doors and heading to glyphs stall* did you get to work with dragons?

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: um i dont really have a favorite because i loved all of the animals and yes i have worked with dragons...

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: oh i love dragons *stopping at glyphs stall door and speaking with pride* i mainly enjoy working with dragons. they are just so easy to get along with. *unlatching the door and stepping in side* we have to go out the back of his stall.

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: ok...

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *stepping back out in to the sunlight glyph follows with his face against the box waiting for us to open it* he loves to eat these. *sets the box dow n unlatchs my side and reachs for your side* when this gets unlatched just step back and he'll do the rest.

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *nods*ok

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *unlocks it and steps back towards the door* glyph growls deeply and nudges the box over* *I look at you worried* instead of staicking around to wathc maybe we should go and take care of those wounds. *looks slightly worried* they look a little bad. they are starting to dry. *turns to you and motions for you to go first*.

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at you then nods*ok....*so i go first*..

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: we can go to the house i have a package for bandaging wounds.

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: ok...

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *walking towards the house* do they hurt? you wounds i mean. are they hurting yet? * a very worried look*

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *opening the large doors* go up to the top floor *points up the stairs* i'm right behind you.

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at you then touches my cuts*no not really but they are deep...i know that...*looks at the top floor*um ok..*started to head up to the top floor*

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *following close behind you and paying close attention to how your wounds react to the altitude change* you couldn't have known i would only keep the emergancy bandage supplies in my personal bathroom. and you shoudl feel lucky usually i dont let anyone see the inside of my room. but those need special attention i feel you may be poisoned from one of those things. i wont have a friend die on me.

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *follows slowly behind*((whats happened Im lost:(,))

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *looks back at dramora and smileing. glad you are with us yet continueing up the stairs* ((he got hurt when we were feeding glyph and we are headed to my bathroom upstairs to get special bandages and poison preventatives.))

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: ((I see))*grins*

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *sigh* far is your room?..

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *looks confused*if your tired of walking why dont you fly??

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: it is only two flights *tossing you the key* it is locked you can unlock it and head for the bathroom door.

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *takes the key then looks at them*why fly when i can*hits the ground and jumps all the way up*jump and save energy?.

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *rolls eyes and mumbles something about half breeds and there jumping*

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *laughing a little* you should really conserve energy untill we find out whether you have poison in your system or not.*looks worried but still giggleing about your jump* i must admit though., that was a nice jump.

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *smiles and sits on the rail*well i jump off cliffs onto dragons and dragons to cliffs and other things...

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *smiling* fun fun. *hitting the second story flight and looking up at you* that door better be open ny the time we get up there. *a small laugh escapes my lips*

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: what if it isnt?...uh?..what are you going to do?.....

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *grinning mischieviously* i'll take the key back from you then push you off that railing. now what do you think about that? *climbing the stairs slowly and deliberately. grinning with an unknown twinkle in my eye* i will push you. dont think i wont.

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *flies up and stands on the rail next to Auden*she will she did it to me once if I hadnt opened my wings Id be dead*grins mischeviously*

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: go ahead..push me...

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *shoves him off the rail ready to catch him if I need to*

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *raises an eyebrow and biting bottom lip as though i were holding myself back from saying something* your getting quite cocky *grinning broadly and letting a little laugh escape as i reach the last stair before the third floor*

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *holds on*is that all you got?..

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *laughs*he's a half angel he'll fly and save himself*hovers in the air behind him and using my gargoyle strength shoves him of the rail*

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: I haven't even pushed you yet. i need my key back first. *sticks me hand out and watches shocked as dramora pushes him over the edge* oh... what the... *cant keep myself from laughing but runs to the edge to make sure your ok*

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *laughs*he is/was talking to me^_^

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *falls off*and was gone then appears behind you two*that was like so mean *i was in your room with the door open.then closes the door*HAHA...

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: you sent him over with my key. *slightly seriouslysaying* he really shouldn't be messing around like thins he needs to be bandaged. *looks worried at argyle over the edge*

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: Im over here *waves as i was right behind you in your room then closes then door*...

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *jaw drops and looks at dramora* he did not just shut my own bedroom door in my face. did he?*eyes wide with playful disbeliefe*

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *laughs*yes he did*smiles*do you want me to knock down the door?

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *smiles and head to the bathroom then feels a sharp pain in my chest and stomach.then i fall to my kneels then i cover my mouth as coughs up blood then looks at my hand to see blood*...

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *hears argyle hit the floor and dashes through the door. kneeling by your side and seeing the blood on your hand* oh god i told you that you should reserve your energy. *worried*

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *kneels next to him*gosh you poor fool((she's talking to Auden))

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: * gets up and starts to head for the bathroom but stops* you should get up on the bed*pointing to the king sized bed covered with bergundy colored satin conforters* get up there and i'll get the stuff.

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *picks him up and sets him on the bed*

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at them as my eyes looks in pain**coughs up more blood*

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *heading to the bathroom then looking at auden* now dont you go passing out on me now. *trying to lighten the mood. preferably mine*

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *grabs the nessecary supplies and going back over to the bed* you wouldn't mind my sewing you up would you. thouse wounds are deep.

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *sits on the bed next to Auden*your gonna be ok kid

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at them and shakes my head has i try to get some air and blood start to form in my mouth*

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: spit the blood out Auden!

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *sits up and coughs it out*

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *smiles*there now you can breathe easier

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: Dramora sit him up on the pillows. he needs to be sitting upright. *looks at the wounds on audens neck* you are poisoned how in the hell *gets a needle out and filles it with an antidote and gets the needle and string ready* you need to keep conscience. tell us when something happens. now unbutton your pants. *squeezes the needle a little to get the air out.

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at her like WHAT!? unbutton my pants*....

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *laughs and props him upright on pillows*you heard the lady,unbutton your pants

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at you two and thinks that your two are nuts*...

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *raises an eyebrowand smirks* you do have something on underneath... dont you? *smiles and gets ready to stick you in the bumm with the big fat needle*

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: OO!?..*eye twitches*

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *ok now i'm serious but still playful* you really need to unbutton and turn ove. the more time we waste the more the poison spreads and setts itself in your system.i am not going to let that happen *looks at you with a twinkling eye* ((at least i'm not twitching (LOL))

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at her then sigh then looks at the bed and unbuttons my pants then turns over*...

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *a giggle escapes my lips and i stick the needle in and empty it* now turn over butt up and take off your shirt so i can get to those gashes* reaches for the cleaning suplies, suiters, and bandages* that shot should make you feel better *smiling at you and your embarressment*

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